23 08, 2022

Which method or technology will help improve innovation in YOUR industry?


Companies have been using a variety of innovation methodologies and technologies to improve their innovation capabilities for more than a decade. Now, empirical research is identifying the ways that are the most effective. Is design thinking universally helpful to organizations across all industries? Or is it crowdsourcing? Or big-data analysis? Empirical research answers these [...]

Which method or technology will help improve innovation in YOUR industry?2022-08-23T06:16:24-07:00
14 12, 2021

Seven traits of highly innovative organizations that drive improved financial performance


Innovation remains a priority for CEOs because innovation improves business and financial outcomes. We learned from our extensive research over 20 years and the publishing of over 25 academic, peer-reviewed articles, and our consulting practice that highly innovative companies have seven traits. The most successful companies practice these traits tirelessly. Our research at InnovationOne reveals that [...]

Seven traits of highly innovative organizations that drive improved financial performance2021-12-14T07:37:03-08:00
23 06, 2021

Five strategy shifts for innovation.


The strategy shift framework, a new model for the practice of strategy, considers strategy and innovation as two sides of the same coin – conceptually exclusive, yet interdependent. At the core of the strategy shift framework is the 10 percent rule. Companies should reduce or eliminate activities of low value by 10 percent and [...]

Five strategy shifts for innovation.2021-06-23T20:58:59-07:00
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