17 07, 2024

Importance of psychological safety and intellectual honesty for high performing innovation teams


Readers of this column know I frequently encourage managers, above all else, to build trust among their teams and with their performance management systems in order to achieve high performance and innovation. (As one of my readers told me, “You write about trust all the time.”) Other team traits are also critically important, such [...]

Importance of psychological safety and intellectual honesty for high performing innovation teams2024-07-17T12:37:06-07:00
25 01, 2024

Workers who trust each other are more productive and innovative


By Victor Assad New research published in the Harvard Business Review shows that employees who trust their organizations are more productive, more creative, and have higher engagement. Those who don’t trust their organizations experience more stress, have higher rates of burnout, and are more likely to quit. So, how can organizations foster trust? The [...]

Workers who trust each other are more productive and innovative2024-01-25T20:07:23-08:00
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