27 03, 2024

A stronger culture will improve profitability


By Victor Assad, Managing Partner for InnovationOne, LLC There is an irrefutable link between organizational culture and profitability. Organizations with more collaborative, learning, and agile cultures have 22 percent higher profitability than those with static cultures, according to InnovationOne, LLC. Gallup shows even bigger numbers. Although Gallup's’ expertise is employee engagement, not culture, they [...]

A stronger culture will improve profitability2024-03-27T16:33:58-07:00
31 01, 2024

Workshop on innovation cultures at LESI2024 in Madrid!


We are delighted to be co-leading an insightful workshop on “Boosting Innovation by 3X-The Power of Culture Management” with Jason Stolworthy and Jim Keating of Idaho National Labs and  InnovationOne's Brooke Dobni, PhD., and Victor Assad at the LESI 2024 International Conference in Madrid on April 29. Nationally funded R&D Labs can significantly boost [...]

Workshop on innovation cultures at LESI2024 in Madrid!2024-01-31T16:11:03-08:00
16 10, 2023

Comparing Six Innovation Factors Among Firms & R&D Labs


Private sector, government research and development (R&D) labs, and attendees at the 2023 Federal Laboratory Consortium for Technology Transfer (FLC) National Meeting held in Cleveland, Ohio, now have empirical guidance from InnovationOne, LLC, on how to develop transparent, learning, and collaborative cultures of innovation. We show how a focus on just six simple factors [...]

Comparing Six Innovation Factors Among Firms & R&D Labs2023-10-18T16:02:33-07:00
19 09, 2023

Innovation teams need cognitive diversity


By Victor Assad We have long advocated the importance of cognitive diversity for successful innovation. Successful innovation teams have much higher cognitive diversity. The trick is identifying cognitive diversity among people for more successful teams. Recent articles document the success of cognitive diversity over demographic diversity with innovation teams.  We have been particularly guided [...]

Innovation teams need cognitive diversity2023-09-19T15:59:51-07:00
12 07, 2023

Stay ahead of labor force trends by improving your organizational culture


By Victor Assad Last week, there was an explosion of news about the labor force that rocked the stock market. The big surprise was that hiring was significantly higher than expected. There was some good news: hiring was lower than in April by the US Department of Labor numbers), and the number of employees [...]

Stay ahead of labor force trends by improving your organizational culture2023-07-12T21:36:07-07:00
23 02, 2023

Six Questions to Measure and Drive Employee Behaviors and Actions for Innovation


The following ten years will be what we at InnovationOne (Dobni and Klassen (2020)) describe as the decade of innovation execution, which is now the central challenge organizations face. Executing innovation agendas is not easy. McKinsey (2022) reported that 84 percent of executives tout innovation as critical to the future success of their organizations, yet only six [...]

Six Questions to Measure and Drive Employee Behaviors and Actions for Innovation2023-02-23T07:16:26-08:00
17 11, 2022

5 Reasons for Using InnovationOne to Improve Your Innovation Culture


It is relatively simple. Consider the following five reasons for using InnovationOne LLC to improve your innovation culture: We use the empirically developed InnovationOne Culture Index© to measure your culture’s strengths and development areas, benchmark the results, and provide recommendations to make improvements now, next quarter, by the end of the year, and for the [...]

5 Reasons for Using InnovationOne to Improve Your Innovation Culture2022-11-17T07:47:56-08:00
8 09, 2022

Improve Your Lab’s Innovation and Performance!


Research labs have highly educated and skilled researchers and engineers from the finest universities and spectacular technology and facilities. Do their organizational cultures allow them to innovate and solve our most challenging economic, scientific, and climate issues? You can improve your lab's innovation and performance. InnovationOne’s breakthrough research with the Ethos Project of the US [...]

Improve Your Lab’s Innovation and Performance!2022-09-08T09:44:43-07:00
12 05, 2022

Higher innovation culture scores dramatically improve performance


A higher innovation culture score at R&D Labs leads to dramatically higher organization performance. That is the conclusion of a joint study by InnovationOne® and the US Department of Energy (DOE). The study hypothesized that the higher the innovation culture scores of DOE labs, the higher their performance. The InnovationOne Culture Index© was used to measure DOE [...]

Higher innovation culture scores dramatically improve performance2022-05-11T17:03:56-07:00
14 04, 2022

Organizations can do better than employee engagement


A client confided in us that they suspended their annual employee engagement surveys for three years to save costs due to an economic downturn. Now their business is growing again, and they plan to restart their surveys. Instead, we suggested using an empirically developed survey that measures the organization’s capability and culture for innovation [...]

Organizations can do better than employee engagement2022-04-18T21:28:08-07:00
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