23 06, 2021

Five strategy shifts for innovation.


The strategy shift framework, a new model for the practice of strategy, considers strategy and innovation as two sides of the same coin – conceptually exclusive, yet interdependent. At the core of the strategy shift framework is the 10 percent rule. Companies should reduce or eliminate activities of low value by 10 percent and [...]

Five strategy shifts for innovation.2021-06-23T20:58:59-07:00
15 05, 2016

Strategy is Leadership! Strategy is Innovation! The advice of 10 experts on innovation.


In a world of constant change, technology breakthroughs, and globalization, company strategies need constant redefinition. This is the advice of Vijay Govindarajan, known as “VG” and the author of The Three Box Solution, speaking to the audience of the Front End of Innovation Conference last week in Boston. VG said executives need to avoid the [...]

Strategy is Leadership! Strategy is Innovation! The advice of 10 experts on innovation.2016-11-17T13:06:32-08:00
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