27 06, 2016

Old Fashion Collaboration Still Powers Innovation at 3M!


I recently had the opportunity to mix with dozens of 3Mers at The Conference Board’s 4th Annual Master Class on Innovation, held at the 3M Innovation Center in Maplewood, MN. 3M has a long, glorious history of innovation and is famed for its culture of allowing employees to spend 15% of their time on innovation. [...]

Old Fashion Collaboration Still Powers Innovation at 3M!2016-06-27T12:40:33-07:00
16 06, 2016

The HR Leadership Imperative – Survive or Die!


Building a Case for HR’s Lead Role in Workforce Effectiveness and Innovation by Ed Colby from Workforce Solutions Review Download PDF here I hope my title got your attention! Not because you might think I’m suggesting that the HR function is in the ER on its deathbed. Quite the contrary! I wanted to [...]

The HR Leadership Imperative – Survive or Die!2016-11-17T13:06:32-08:00
13 06, 2016

Innovation – the Next Level of Sustainable Competitive Advantage for Your Organization, and YOU!


A Discussion between Ed Colby and Dr. C. Brooke Dobni Download full PDF here Colby: Broadening our Perspective Over the course of our lives we are witness to constant change in the world around us. Most often change is gradual and evolutionary, occurring almost unnoticed; while other changes are so revolutionary and “game-breaking” [...]

Innovation – the Next Level of Sustainable Competitive Advantage for Your Organization, and YOU!2016-11-17T13:06:32-08:00
15 05, 2016

Strategy is Leadership! Strategy is Innovation! The advice of 10 experts on innovation.


In a world of constant change, technology breakthroughs, and globalization, company strategies need constant redefinition. This is the advice of Vijay Govindarajan, known as “VG” and the author of The Three Box Solution, speaking to the audience of the Front End of Innovation Conference last week in Boston. VG said executives need to avoid the [...]

Strategy is Leadership! Strategy is Innovation! The advice of 10 experts on innovation.2016-11-17T13:06:32-08:00
1 05, 2016

Here’s How to Make Open Innovation Work!


The term “open innovation” was coined by University of California, Berkeley, professor Henry Chesbrough when he authored a book with the same title.  According to Professor Chesbrough, “Open innovation is the use of purposive inflows and outflows of knowledge to accelerate internal innovation, and expand the markets for external use of innovation, respectfully. [It] assumes [...]

Here’s How to Make Open Innovation Work!2016-11-17T13:06:32-08:00
25 04, 2016

Can You Fix a Broken Business Culture?


Or is it nearly impossible? Instead, should you just focus on fixing your business, and the rest will follow? These are the questions raised by a recent Harvard Business Review article by Harvard Professor Louis E. Kirstein and research associate Emily McTague.[i] After conducting interviews with excellent CEO’s, including Doug Baker, CEO of Ecolab, Richard [...]

Can You Fix a Broken Business Culture?2016-11-17T13:06:32-08:00
22 03, 2016

Latest research and best practices for innovation revealed at ISPIM in Boston


Should innovation be its own profession in large organizations? Can pharmaceutical, biotech and green tech innovation occur without incubators? How do companies continually renew themselves in our fast changing, fourth industrial revolution[i]? Is the triple Helix for innovation really a quintuple Helix? What are the drivers and tools of an innovation culture? These discussions and [...]

Latest research and best practices for innovation revealed at ISPIM in Boston2016-11-17T13:06:32-08:00
28 02, 2016

Does Demographic Diversity Lead to More Innovation?


Does demographic diversity lead to more innovation, or is it just so much talk? In my own experience, the answer is yes, especially when organizations have educational, business professional, and cultural diversity. Successful demographic diversity requires that management spend more time establishing group norms for communication, conflict resolution, and team operations. When setting up new [...]

Does Demographic Diversity Lead to More Innovation?2016-11-17T13:06:32-08:00
31 01, 2016

Rewarding Success Comes Naturally. Do You Reward Failure in the Pursuit Of Innovation?


We are naturally inclined to cheer on a dramatic success and reward the winning outcome - the basketball player who makes the game winning shot at the buzzer, or the salesperson with the highest sales.  When a success is big and dramatic, easily measured, or highly visible, it is easy to reward with applause and [...]

Rewarding Success Comes Naturally. Do You Reward Failure in the Pursuit Of Innovation?2016-11-17T13:06:32-08:00
11 12, 2015

Igniting innovation begins with business leaders and the culture they develop!


Many mid-cap and large companies long for more innovation to stimulate growth in a challenging, and fast-changing global business environment. A PwC Pulse Survey of 246 CEOs shows that 97% of business leaders see innovation as a top priority for their businesses.[i] While many executives want to ignite the innovation of their employees, they struggle [...]

Igniting innovation begins with business leaders and the culture they develop!2016-11-17T13:06:32-08:00
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