4 05, 2022

Engagement is higher for organizations that focus on culture.


Gallup is reporting this month that US employee engagement has dropped in each of the last two years, from 36 percent in 2020 to 32 percent in 2022. However, hybrid and remote workers are more engaged than on-site workers, and employee engagement is higher for organizations that focus on culture. Gallup’s reporting raises the [...]

Engagement is higher for organizations that focus on culture.2022-05-09T16:05:24-07:00
26 04, 2022

How better feedback will help employees — and CEOs


By Victor Assad. Are you the type of leader that loves to provide positive feedback? Or, are you the type who prefers to tell people what they did wrong? Long-standing research shows that the leaders who provide positive feedback more often than negative, at a 5:1 ratio, have teams that perform better, are more [...]

How better feedback will help employees — and CEOs2022-04-25T17:17:43-07:00
14 04, 2022

Organizations can do better than employee engagement


A client confided in us that they suspended their annual employee engagement surveys for three years to save costs due to an economic downturn. Now their business is growing again, and they plan to restart their surveys. Instead, we suggested using an empirically developed survey that measures the organization’s capability and culture for innovation [...]

Organizations can do better than employee engagement2022-04-18T21:28:08-07:00
30 03, 2022

Your corporate culture may be the No. 1 cause of employee turnover


Only 12 percent of HR respondents have a regular cultural assessment strategy for assuring their workplace culture stays on track, according to a 2021 Talent Management State of the Industry survey. This result is extraordinary because having a toxic work culture is ten times more likely than low pay to cause employee turnover. What then [...]

Your corporate culture may be the No. 1 cause of employee turnover2022-03-30T06:55:54-07:00
23 03, 2022

Creating a culture of innovation is essential today


Andrew Burak, the CEO of Relevant, shared his belief that without an active innovation culture, organizations fall into stagnation and lose to more innovative competitors. Today’s supply chain crises from Covid-19 and the Ukrainian – Russian war require ongoing organizational agility, innovation, and speed. The culture of innovation boils down to perceiving creativity as [...]

Creating a culture of innovation is essential today2022-03-23T21:49:13-07:00
10 03, 2022

Managing culture and innovation improves real numbers: your bottom line.


Many executives we speak with about improving the innovation of their companies ask us how to open the minds of their CEOs to transform their organizational cultures. Many CEOs fear that culture is too soft to manage. Innovation feels like groping in the dark, and it requires dedicating money and employees to innovation projects. [...]

Managing culture and innovation improves real numbers: your bottom line.2022-03-10T05:59:12-08:00
15 02, 2022

Stop fretting over falling employee engagement. Go to the source.


By Victor Assad, Managing Partner of InnovationOne. Many organizations trying to fight falling employee engagement numbers are making a mistake. Frankly, now is not the time to deal with such matters. Instead of launching another employee engagement survey, listen to your employees’ frustrations and begin to work through them in a very transparent way. Then, [...]

Stop fretting over falling employee engagement. Go to the source.2022-02-15T06:21:48-08:00
31 01, 2022

Corporate culture drives business performance — and employee retention


There is long-standing empirical research demonstrating how corporate culture improves organizational innovation, productivity, and profit. Now, evidence is emerging that healthy organizational cultures are also the best way to beat the Great Resignation. Two weeks ago, MIT researchers uncovered that toxic organization cultures drive employee turnover 10 times more than pay. This is startling [...]

Corporate culture drives business performance — and employee retention2022-01-31T17:22:29-08:00
14 12, 2021

Seven traits of highly innovative organizations that drive improved financial performance


Innovation remains a priority for CEOs because innovation improves business and financial outcomes. We learned from our extensive research over 20 years and the publishing of over 25 academic, peer-reviewed articles, and our consulting practice that highly innovative companies have seven traits. The most successful companies practice these traits tirelessly. Our research at InnovationOne reveals that [...]

Seven traits of highly innovative organizations that drive improved financial performance2021-12-14T07:37:03-08:00
14 09, 2021

The culture components and business practices of highly innovative Japanese firms.


In their most recent academic article, InnovationOne, LLC, Founder C. Brooke Dobni, and two co-authors, uncover why highly innovative Japanese firms are more competitive and achieve greater performance than their less innovative counterparts. Their findings closely match their earlier research on how highly innovative firms in North America and Europe are innovative. Most innovation [...]

The culture components and business practices of highly innovative Japanese firms.2021-09-14T21:15:04-07:00
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