6 05, 2019

7 Qualities of Team Leaders Who Drive Innovation!


Many executives we work with are frustrated in their efforts to improve the innovation of their companies. One of the problems? Middle management gets in the way of innovative employees by clinging to dominant leader styles. Our experience and the lessons of empirical research shows that middle management can be the key to a company [...]

7 Qualities of Team Leaders Who Drive Innovation!2019-05-06T16:12:40-07:00
12 03, 2019

Haphazard innovation fails. Six steps for superior innovation results!


Some 170 of the world’s largest companies (as measured by revenue), have a declining return on investment for their innovation projects, according to research. Why? Many companies under pressure to show that they can disrupt a market (or starve off disruption) are pursuing innovation haphazardly. Many of their investments end up being non-strategic, poorly linked [...]

Haphazard innovation fails. Six steps for superior innovation results!2019-03-12T15:56:44-07:00
3 12, 2018

Strategy Shift: Innovation and risk as the foundation for strategy and financial success.


Organizations around the world are facing ever-changing customer preferences, generational shifts, the need to digitize their operations, and disruptions from well-funded start-ups outside of their domains. In our experience consulting with firms, we have learned two certainties related to innovation and strategy. This blog is based on the academic paper, “Strategy shift: Integrating strategy and [...]

Strategy Shift: Innovation and risk as the foundation for strategy and financial success.2018-12-03T15:17:20-08:00
14 11, 2018

Digitizing Your Company? Success Depends Largely on One Factor…


Empirical evidence has long shown that transparent, collaborative and adaptive cultures empower business and financial success by enabling innovation.[i] Now companies are learning that if they do not have innovative cultures their digitization strategies languish. According to McKinsey’s 2018 Global Survey on digital transformation, 80% of the nearly 1800 respondents have launched digitization efforts in [...]

Digitizing Your Company? Success Depends Largely on One Factor…2018-11-14T08:56:54-08:00
13 03, 2018

Seven Traits of Agile and Innovative Leaders


Dominance used to be the main criteria CEOs and Chief Human Resources Officers used to determine who would make a great leader. Dominance and achievement were the most reliable characteristics CEOs looked for to determine who would be their successors. Dominant leaders are the ones who speak first in meetings, most frequently interrupt others, [...]

Seven Traits of Agile and Innovative Leaders2018-03-13T09:42:30-07:00
27 02, 2018

Suffering from a lax work culture? The answer is in the numbers.


A business executive complained to me about the lax work culture shown by his employees. “Everyone leaves the office by 4:30,” he said. “Where is their commitment to our mission? Where is their commitment to our customers and to get new products out on time?” he asked. He carried with him in his briefcase an [...]

Suffering from a lax work culture? The answer is in the numbers.2018-02-27T20:02:05-08:00
6 02, 2018

6 Tips to Focus Employees on What to Do—And What to Stop


One of the toughest challenges facing any CEO is rallying the organization to effectively execute new strategies. Many business pundits wisely encourage CEOs to use the company’s mission and higher purpose to appeal to the intrinsic motivation of their employees. Employees, to be sure, will commit their discretionary effort and innovation to a cause they [...]

6 Tips to Focus Employees on What to Do—And What to Stop2018-02-06T10:52:19-08:00
21 12, 2017

3 Ways Talent Executives Can Accelerate Innovation in 2018


Managing culture, embracing metrics and pursuing evolving technologies are among the top priorities talent leaders should focus on in the New Year. By Victor Assad and Ataman Ozyildirim, Talent Economy Influencers. Published in Talent Economy, December 20th, 2017 As 2017 winds down, a new survey provides tips for how talent executives can prioritize innovation in [...]

3 Ways Talent Executives Can Accelerate Innovation in 20182017-12-21T10:36:26-08:00
15 11, 2017

New Research Shows Five Insights from Highly Innovative Companies


Businesses have come to recognize that innovating is no longer an option. Rather, it is an imperative for survival. This year, The Conference Board and InnovationOne have just completed a valuable report: “Insights from Highly Innovative Companies: Results from The Conference Boards and InnovationOne’s Global State of Innovation Survey 2017.” The Survey was designed to uncover the methodologies, technologies, [...]

New Research Shows Five Insights from Highly Innovative Companies2017-11-15T07:27:27-08:00
19 06, 2017

Performance Management Changes Are Often the Missing Link with Innovation


I was seated at an innovation conference for lunch, when the Research and Development leader of a major U.S. active sportswear maker told me he had a confession. His organization was successful at creating new ideas, selecting the best ones to advance, and project- managing those ideas, but their innovations often stalled because the organization’s [...]

Performance Management Changes Are Often the Missing Link with Innovation2017-06-19T14:51:57-07:00
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