Our research with the DOE Ethos Project shows that a culture of innovation is the path to a three-fold increase in core technology transfer metrics. We are honored to present our research results twice at the 2023 Federal Laboratory Consortium (FLC) National Meeting in Cleveland on March 29 and 30. FLC is the premier event for Federal Technology Transfer professionals.
Leaders and managers are generally aware that culture impacts performance. Still, most are unaware of how much, primarily due to a lack of empirical research, which has resulted in underinvestment in organizational culture development. In this session, you’ll learn the results of the Ethos Project, with six labs of the US Department of Energy. You will learn how improving your score by 10 percent from 60 to 70 points (on the 100-point scale InnovationOne Culture Index©) can result in a 20-30% increase in Lab performance across core Lab metrics. We’ll discuss what to focus on to increase targeted outcomes and provide actionable steps to improve your organization’s innovation culture.
On Wednesday, March 29, InnovationOne’s Brooke Dobni, Ph.D. author and Founder of InnovationOne, LLC, and Victor Assad, author and Managing Partner of InnovationOne, LLC, will present “Culture of Innovation: Path to a three-fold increase in core technology transfer metrics.” This presentation will cover InnovationOne’s breakthrough research on cultures of innovation with business and DOE Labs and will be in the Demonstration Room at 1:00 PM.
On Thursday, March 30, Dr. Brooke Dobni and Victor Assad, along with Jason Stolworthy, Director of Technology Development, and James P. Keating, Commercialization and Entrepreneurship Programs Manager for Technology Development at Idaho National Laboratory, and Laszlo Gyorffy, author and Founder of LBG Consulting will present “Leveraging Culture to Improve Technology Transfer Performance,” at 12:45 PM during Concurrent Session 4.
Be sure to join us for these insightful presentations.
Take a sneak preview to learn what we will present by reading this short article and watching the video released by Idaho National Labs.
The Federal Laboratory Consortium for Technology Transfer (FLC) is the formally chartered, nationwide network of over 300 federal laboratories that fosters commercialization, best practice strategies, and opportunities for accelerating federal technologies out of the lab and into the marketplace.
Through American taxpayers’ investment in our federal laboratories’ research and development (R&D) efforts, scientific and technological breakthroughs can take place and return dividends to our economy. When federal labs partner with businesses to bring new technologies to market, this technology transfer (T2) process can create new industries, businesses, jobs, and other societal benefits.
Join us at this premier Federal Technology Transfer event of the year – the 2023 FLC National Meeting in Cleveland, March 28 – 30, 2023.
Register: https://federallabs.org/2023-national-meeting/national-meeting/registration @federallabs