19 09, 2023

Innovation teams need cognitive diversity


By Victor Assad We have long advocated the importance of cognitive diversity for successful innovation. Successful innovation teams have much higher cognitive diversity. The trick is identifying cognitive diversity among people for more successful teams. Recent articles document the success of cognitive diversity over demographic diversity with innovation teams.  We have been particularly guided [...]

Innovation teams need cognitive diversity2023-09-19T15:59:51-07:00
14 01, 2020

Your company’s innovation needs more mavericks


During annual workforce planning, Scott Ward, the President of Medtronic Vascular, used to say, “Hire us some more mavericks. They don’t always fit in, but we need them for innovation.” He defined mavericks as the technical people who were dedicated to solving the mysteries of the disease states we treated and the current shortcomings [...]

Your company’s innovation needs more mavericks2020-01-14T06:31:58-08:00
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