15 02, 2022

Stop fretting over falling employee engagement. Go to the source.


By Victor Assad, Managing Partner of InnovationOne. Many organizations trying to fight falling employee engagement numbers are making a mistake. Frankly, now is not the time to deal with such matters. Instead of launching another employee engagement survey, listen to your employees’ frustrations and begin to work through them in a very transparent way. Then, [...]

Stop fretting over falling employee engagement. Go to the source.2022-02-15T06:21:48-08:00
9 02, 2022

Dr. Brooke Dobni Presenting at The Effective Executive Leadership Program


C. Brooke Dobni, Ph.D., is presenting on how to cultivate innovation by developing an innovation agenda and culture at The Effective Executive Leadership Program. This six-day, retreat-syle executive leadership development program is designed for the professional and personal growth of senior managers and prospective executives. The retreat will develop their performance management skills, strategic [...]

Dr. Brooke Dobni Presenting at The Effective Executive Leadership Program2022-02-09T12:16:04-08:00
31 01, 2022

Corporate culture drives business performance — and employee retention


There is long-standing empirical research demonstrating how corporate culture improves organizational innovation, productivity, and profit. Now, evidence is emerging that healthy organizational cultures are also the best way to beat the Great Resignation. Two weeks ago, MIT researchers uncovered that toxic organization cultures drive employee turnover 10 times more than pay. This is startling [...]

Corporate culture drives business performance — and employee retention2022-01-31T17:22:29-08:00
14 12, 2021

Seven traits of highly innovative organizations that drive improved financial performance


Innovation remains a priority for CEOs because innovation improves business and financial outcomes. We learned from our extensive research over 20 years and the publishing of over 25 academic, peer-reviewed articles, and our consulting practice that highly innovative companies have seven traits. The most successful companies practice these traits tirelessly. Our research at InnovationOne reveals that [...]

Seven traits of highly innovative organizations that drive improved financial performance2021-12-14T07:37:03-08:00
9 11, 2021

The seven percent solution for successful change


As many organizations implement new hybrid work models, improve their sustainability, try to enter new markets or work to realign their cost structures, executives wrestle with implementing change successfully. It is important for them to understand that more than 70 percent of change efforts fail, and the biggest reasons is employee apathy or a [...]

The seven percent solution for successful change2021-11-09T07:20:49-08:00
23 06, 2021

Five strategy shifts for innovation.


The strategy shift framework, a new model for the practice of strategy, considers strategy and innovation as two sides of the same coin – conceptually exclusive, yet interdependent. At the core of the strategy shift framework is the 10 percent rule. Companies should reduce or eliminate activities of low value by 10 percent and [...]

Five strategy shifts for innovation.2021-06-23T20:58:59-07:00
25 05, 2021

Eight Practices to Fire Up Your Innovation Culture


The secret of successful innovation is not simply innovating, it’s embracing innovation. In today’s era, innovation should be shared and promoted internally just like your brand is across the globe. In this Master Class, Victor Assad of Innovation One and Arthur Liberian of Planbox will uncover how highly innovative organizations disrupt the market today [...]

Eight Practices to Fire Up Your Innovation Culture2021-05-25T17:36:16-07:00
18 05, 2021

Webinar on the Six Traits of Highly Innovative Organizations


Based on our research at InnovationOne LLC, we have discovered that these six traits are fundamental for innovative companies. Our research also shows that when companies score high on these traits, they lead their industries in financial performance. Our webinar, hosted by IdeaScale, has our offer for a complimentary six-traits assessment of your organization's [...]

Webinar on the Six Traits of Highly Innovative Organizations2021-05-18T08:53:53-07:00
2 02, 2021

How to find the sweet spot between micromanaging and too hands-off?


Behaviorism has long taught us that immediate and direct feedback is critical to reinforce the behaviors and outcomes we want. It has been the source of breakthrough books on leadership, such as the One-Minute Manager. But too much of a good thing can also be detrimental. Long-standing research shows that employees have adverse emotional [...]

How to find the sweet spot between micromanaging and too hands-off?2021-02-02T05:51:05-08:00
12 01, 2021

Innovation in 2021 requires three talent strategies


The virus COVID-19 proved Plato was right: crisis is the mother of invention. McKinsey's new report on the Trends that Will Drive 2021 and Beyond identifies a wave of innovation and a new generation of entrepreneurs sparked by the pandemic as one of the expected trends for the new year. Companies that want to be a [...]

Innovation in 2021 requires three talent strategies2021-01-12T08:17:49-08:00
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