5 02, 2025

Culture remains critical for today’s innovative organizations


The pace of new tools for innovators, such as OpenAI, is exciting. However, research shows that without the right culture, digital transformation in organizations fails. Organizational Culture is key for executives to lead continual change, technology implementation, and to have business and financial success. Command-and control-leadership, and top-down autocratic culture, doesn’t work when implementing digital transformation. Faisal [...]

Culture remains critical for today’s innovative organizations2025-02-05T13:27:28-08:00
11 08, 2020

Why innovation is the least risky strategy


With the pandemic and significant decline in revenues, executives know that they must innovate to survive these unprecedented times. But how? Many executives, however, have chosen to play it safe and secure,  hunker down, and hoard cash. The problem with playing it safe is while you can cut costs to meet falling revenues, you [...]

Why innovation is the least risky strategy2020-08-10T14:14:14-07:00
19 03, 2020

Watch the replay of my webinar with Planbox, sponsored by Innovation Leader


You can now watch the replay, at your convenience, of my webinar, "Eight Practices to Fire Up Your Innovation Culture." The secret of successful innovation is not simply innovating, it’s embracing innovation. In today’s era, innovation should be shared and promoted internally just like your brand is across the globe. Victor Assad and Arthur [...]

Watch the replay of my webinar with Planbox, sponsored by Innovation Leader2020-03-19T09:38:36-07:00
4 02, 2020

Work Rebooted conference examines everything from AI to cultures and the gig economy!


The issues of automation and digital transformation and how to create inclusive, transparent, and innovative cultures were some of the many topics discussed by CEOs, technologists, and human resources leaders last week in San Francisco at the Work Rebooted conference. Julie Douthart, biochemist and serial entrepreneur, is the founder, guiding light, and curator of Work Rebooted. The [...]

Work Rebooted conference examines everything from AI to cultures and the gig economy!2020-02-05T09:37:58-08:00
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