12 02, 2020

Forget SMART goals. Use OKRs instead!


Executives who want to dramatically increase their success should implement Objectives with Key Results (OKRs). Research shows that executives who set such goals can significantly improve the performance of their organizations over telling employees to “just do their best.”[i] Moreover, OKRs allow organizations to change measures and tactics to adjust to today’s digital pace [...]

Forget SMART goals. Use OKRs instead!2020-02-12T09:23:20-08:00
7 02, 2017

New Research on When to Use Stretch Goals to Improve Innovation and the Bottom Line!


When should a company use ambitious, stretch goals (sometimes called “Big, Hairy, Audacious Goals” or “BHAGs”), and when is it better to improve incrementally?  New research on goal setting is providing important guidance that can significantly improve a company’s bottom line, increase innovation, and perhaps save its very existence. Let’s be clear, goal setting improves [...]

New Research on When to Use Stretch Goals to Improve Innovation and the Bottom Line!2017-02-07T15:08:53-08:00
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