5 02, 2025

Culture remains critical for today’s innovative organizations


The pace of new tools for innovators, such as OpenAI, is exciting. However, research shows that without the right culture, digital transformation in organizations fails. Organizational Culture is key for executives to lead continual change, technology implementation, and to have business and financial success. Command-and control-leadership, and top-down autocratic culture, doesn’t work when implementing digital transformation. Faisal [...]

Culture remains critical for today’s innovative organizations2025-02-05T13:27:28-08:00
20 04, 2023

Open AI Arms Race: Doomsday or Productivity and Innovation Godsend


There is hot global debate —maybe even an arms race — about Open AI and the blockbuster San Francisco-based start-up app ChatGPT. Is it the harbinger of humanity’s doom as predicted by Elon Musk and Stephen Hawking in 2017 or a powerful, digital tool that will significantly improve productivity, innovation, and scientific research once [...]

Open AI Arms Race: Doomsday or Productivity and Innovation Godsend2023-04-19T20:49:08-07:00
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