2 02, 2021

How to find the sweet spot between micromanaging and too hands-off?


Behaviorism has long taught us that immediate and direct feedback is critical to reinforce the behaviors and outcomes we want. It has been the source of breakthrough books on leadership, such as the One-Minute Manager. But too much of a good thing can also be detrimental. Long-standing research shows that employees have adverse emotional [...]

How to find the sweet spot between micromanaging and too hands-off?2021-02-02T05:51:05-08:00
28 02, 2016

Does Demographic Diversity Lead to More Innovation?


Does demographic diversity lead to more innovation, or is it just so much talk? In my own experience, the answer is yes, especially when organizations have educational, business professional, and cultural diversity. Successful demographic diversity requires that management spend more time establishing group norms for communication, conflict resolution, and team operations. When setting up new [...]

Does Demographic Diversity Lead to More Innovation?2016-11-17T13:06:32-08:00
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