We are delighted with our LESI2024 workshop on “Boosting Innovation by 3X – The Power of Culture Management” and for all the follow-up discussions with LESI participants.

Jason Stolworthy and Jim Keating of Idaho National Labs, and I always enjoy sharing the incredible results of the ETHOS Project study with the US Department of Energy Labs. Please feel free to follow up with any questions at VictorAssad@InnovationOne.io.

In case you missed it, InnovationOne’s recently completed joint-study with the US Department of Energy shows that higher innovation culture scores improve R&D lab performance. In fact, improving a culture score by just one point (on a 100-point scale) can increase performance in innovation, commercial deployments, partnerships with industry, and academic publications by up to 30 percent. Labs scoring 70 had up to 3X higher performance on some metrics than those scoring at 60 points.

Previously, InnovationOne’s academic-based research with private sector companies revealed that companies scoring in the top quartile of our InnovationOne Culture Index© reported higher financial performance than bottom quartile performers by as much as 22 percent. We also learned that the top innovators earned a 6.3 percent total shareholder return premium (stock price appreciation and dividends) over three years.

Any questions? Contact me at VictorAssad@InnovationOne.io.

Kind regards,


Victor Assad, Managing Partner, InnovationOne, LLC

About InnovationOne®, LLC.

InnovationOne®, LLC helps organizations worldwide build a culture of innovation and make it sustainable. InnovationOne® uses a scientifically developed assessment to measure, benchmark, and improve your organization’s culture and capability to innovate and enjoy better outcomes and financial results. Measure and ignite your organization’s innovation intelligently.We are delighted with our workshop at LESI2024