23 06, 2021

Gartner HR Research Shows Organizations Must Develop a Human-Centric Model to Drive Innovation in Hybrid Environments


Office-centric design relies on the serendipitous “water-cooler” moments to drive innovation. In fact, organizations still reference this as the primary reason to return employees to the office. The Gartner survey showed that HR leaders believe synchronous work – individuals working together whether in-person or virtually – is most critical to drive innovation. But Gartner data [...]

Gartner HR Research Shows Organizations Must Develop a Human-Centric Model to Drive Innovation in Hybrid Environments2021-06-23T21:15:35-07:00
23 06, 2021

Five strategy shifts for innovation.


The strategy shift framework, a new model for the practice of strategy, considers strategy and innovation as two sides of the same coin – conceptually exclusive, yet interdependent. At the core of the strategy shift framework is the 10 percent rule. Companies should reduce or eliminate activities of low value by 10 percent and [...]

Five strategy shifts for innovation.2021-06-23T20:58:59-07:00
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