About Victor Assad

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So far Victor Assad has created 160 blog entries.
19 09, 2023

Innovation teams need cognitive diversity


By Victor Assad We have long advocated the importance of cognitive diversity for successful innovation. Successful innovation teams have much higher cognitive diversity. The trick is identifying cognitive diversity among people for more successful teams. Recent articles document the success of cognitive diversity over demographic diversity with innovation teams.  We have been particularly guided [...]

Innovation teams need cognitive diversity2023-09-19T15:59:51-07:00
12 07, 2023

Stay ahead of labor force trends by improving your organizational culture


By Victor Assad Last week, there was an explosion of news about the labor force that rocked the stock market. The big surprise was that hiring was significantly higher than expected. There was some good news: hiring was lower than in April by the US Department of Labor numbers), and the number of employees [...]

Stay ahead of labor force trends by improving your organizational culture2023-07-12T21:36:07-07:00
22 06, 2023

Gallup: The office alone has no magic to create a great organizational culture


By Victor Assad, Managing Partner of InnovationOne, LLC Gallup’s 2023 State of the Global Workforce reveals a wealth of information about the workplace and the workforce. For example, did you know that: Employee engagement and job opportunities in the US and Canada stand at 31 percent, down from 33 percent in 2021—the surge year [...]

Gallup: The office alone has no magic to create a great organizational culture2023-06-22T06:45:18-07:00
10 05, 2023

Google’s 10 Behaviors of Great Managers continue to succeed!


By Victor Assad, Managing Partner of InnovationOne, LLC. Google researchers launched Project Oxygen 15 years ago to understand what makes people great managers. In 2018, some 10 years after Google’s original report, its researchers looked again at their results to understand if the initial findings had held true after Google’s tremendous decade of growth. [...]

Google’s 10 Behaviors of Great Managers continue to succeed!2023-05-10T21:00:08-07:00
2 05, 2023

Department of Energy puts a bullseye on innovation!


Innovation cultures at six US Department of Energy (DOE) Labs surveyed differ significantly according to a study conducted by InnovationOne, LLC, in concert with the Idaho National Laboratory (INL). The Department of Energy put a bullseye on innovation and discovered why some Labs are more efficient and innovative than others--up to three times as [...]

Department of Energy puts a bullseye on innovation!2023-05-02T23:00:32-07:00
20 04, 2023

Open AI Arms Race: Doomsday or Productivity and Innovation Godsend


There is hot global debate —maybe even an arms race — about Open AI and the blockbuster San Francisco-based start-up app ChatGPT. Is it the harbinger of humanity’s doom as predicted by Elon Musk and Stephen Hawking in 2017 or a powerful, digital tool that will significantly improve productivity, innovation, and scientific research once [...]

Open AI Arms Race: Doomsday or Productivity and Innovation Godsend2023-04-19T20:49:08-07:00
23 02, 2023

Six Questions to Measure and Drive Employee Behaviors and Actions for Innovation


The following ten years will be what we at InnovationOne (Dobni and Klassen (2020)) describe as the decade of innovation execution, which is now the central challenge organizations face. Executing innovation agendas is not easy. McKinsey (2022) reported that 84 percent of executives tout innovation as critical to the future success of their organizations, yet only six [...]

Six Questions to Measure and Drive Employee Behaviors and Actions for Innovation2023-02-23T07:16:26-08:00
25 01, 2023

Why your company needs an innovation strategy in 2023


Written by Grant Wilson, Assistant Professor of Marketing, University of Regina, and originally published in The Conversation on January 18, 2023. The original academic article was written by InnovationOne, LLC Founder, C. Brooke Dobni Ph.D. and Grant Wilson. It was published in Technological Forecasting & Social Change.  Almost a decade ago, Harvard Business School [...]

Why your company needs an innovation strategy in 20232023-01-25T17:17:07-08:00
11 01, 2023

Culture of Innovation: Path to a three-fold increase in core technology transfer metrics.


Our research with the DOE Ethos Project shows that a culture of innovation is the path to a three-fold increase in core technology transfer metrics. We are honored to present our research results twice at the 2023 Federal Laboratory Consortium (FLC) National Meeting in Cleveland on March 29 and 30. FLC is the premier [...]

Culture of Innovation: Path to a three-fold increase in core technology transfer metrics.2023-06-21T13:35:50-07:00
22 12, 2022

Happy Holidays from InnovationOne!


It is hard to believe that 2022 is coming to a close. Thank you for following our blogs and your questions and support. Please carve out time to disconnect from email and work obligations to focus on rest, fun, and celebration with family and friends. Best wishes from us, and Happy Holidays! [...]

Happy Holidays from InnovationOne!2022-12-22T15:12:42-08:00
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