14 06, 2022

Is email dying?


By Victor Assad People started questioning whether email was dying in the mid-2010s with the rise of channel discussions such as Yammer. In 2018, Inc. Magazine declared that “Email is already dead” because Gen-Z won’t bother with email and the rest of us would catch on. Email didn’t die then, and I don’t believe [...]

Is email dying?2022-06-14T07:07:20-07:00
31 05, 2022



InnovationOne, LLC is delighted to have participated in this joint project with the Ethos Project team to demonstrate the high correlation between culture and R&D lab performance. The results are outstanding: a one-point difference in a lab’s innovation culture score on a 100-point scale corresponded with a 20-30 percent increase in performance of key [...]

26 05, 2022

Cultures of innovation improve DOE lab performance


We have known from our empirical evidence that cultures of innovation improve performance and financial outcomes for private-sector companies. But what of public-sector research labs? InnovationOne® and the US Department of Energy (DOE) have concluded a joint study. The results clearly show that higher culture of innovation scores improves performance at DOE R&D labs. [...]

Cultures of innovation improve DOE lab performance2022-05-26T06:27:00-07:00
17 05, 2022

Cultures of innovation improve company performance


Change is imperative for organizational success. The bedrock of organizations that achieve success is a culture of innovation. Yet many leaders resist these cultures of innovation. They may believe culture is too mushy to measure and manage or takes too much time, or perhaps they don’t think about it because it was never taught [...]

Cultures of innovation improve company performance2022-05-17T05:57:18-07:00
12 05, 2022

Higher innovation culture scores dramatically improve performance


A higher innovation culture score at R&D Labs leads to dramatically higher organization performance. That is the conclusion of a joint study by InnovationOne® and the US Department of Energy (DOE). The study hypothesized that the higher the innovation culture scores of DOE labs, the higher their performance. The InnovationOne Culture Index© was used to measure DOE [...]

Higher innovation culture scores dramatically improve performance2022-05-11T17:03:56-07:00
14 04, 2022

Organizations can do better than employee engagement


A client confided in us that they suspended their annual employee engagement surveys for three years to save costs due to an economic downturn. Now their business is growing again, and they plan to restart their surveys. Instead, we suggested using an empirically developed survey that measures the organization’s capability and culture for innovation [...]

Organizations can do better than employee engagement2022-04-18T21:28:08-07:00
30 03, 2022

Your corporate culture may be the No. 1 cause of employee turnover


Only 12 percent of HR respondents have a regular cultural assessment strategy for assuring their workplace culture stays on track, according to a 2021 Talent Management State of the Industry survey. This result is extraordinary because having a toxic work culture is ten times more likely than low pay to cause employee turnover. What then [...]

Your corporate culture may be the No. 1 cause of employee turnover2022-03-30T06:55:54-07:00
10 03, 2022

Managing culture and innovation improves real numbers: your bottom line.


Many executives we speak with about improving the innovation of their companies ask us how to open the minds of their CEOs to transform their organizational cultures. Many CEOs fear that culture is too soft to manage. Innovation feels like groping in the dark, and it requires dedicating money and employees to innovation projects. [...]

Managing culture and innovation improves real numbers: your bottom line.2022-03-10T05:59:12-08:00
15 02, 2022

Stop fretting over falling employee engagement. Go to the source.


By Victor Assad, Managing Partner of InnovationOne. Many organizations trying to fight falling employee engagement numbers are making a mistake. Frankly, now is not the time to deal with such matters. Instead of launching another employee engagement survey, listen to your employees’ frustrations and begin to work through them in a very transparent way. Then, [...]

Stop fretting over falling employee engagement. Go to the source.2022-02-15T06:21:48-08:00
9 02, 2022

Dr. Brooke Dobni Presenting at The Effective Executive Leadership Program


C. Brooke Dobni, Ph.D., is presenting on how to cultivate innovation by developing an innovation agenda and culture at The Effective Executive Leadership Program. This six-day, retreat-syle executive leadership development program is designed for the professional and personal growth of senior managers and prospective executives. The retreat will develop their performance management skills, strategic [...]

Dr. Brooke Dobni Presenting at The Effective Executive Leadership Program2022-02-09T12:16:04-08:00
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