Suffering from a lax work culture? The answer is in the numbers.
A business executive complained to me about the lax work culture shown by his employees. “Everyone leaves the office by 4:30,” he said. “Where is their commitment to our mission? Where is their commitment to [...]
6 Tips to Focus Employees on What to Do—And What to Stop
One of the toughest challenges facing any CEO is rallying the organization to effectively execute new strategies. Many business pundits wisely encourage CEOs to use the company’s mission and higher purpose to appeal to the [...]
3 Ways Talent Executives Can Accelerate Innovation in 2018
Managing culture, embracing metrics and pursuing evolving technologies are among the top priorities talent leaders should focus on in the New Year. By Victor Assad and Ataman Ozyildirim, Talent Economy Influencers. Published in Talent Economy, [...]