Business Challenge
- Growth
- Competition/Technology
- Talent Issues
InnovationOne Health Index Recommendations
- Articulate Strategy
- Different cultures by region
- More Collaboration
- Support for projects
- Mentoring
Outcomes After 2nd InnovationOne Health Index
- Overall improvement
- Improved strategy and goal deployment
Solvera is an IT technology consulting Firm with 180 employees. It operates in four regions of western Canada.
How to continue the same level of profitable growth despite increasing competition and rapid technology changes? Expansion plans for two new regions. Attract and retain top performers.
Solvera scored above average on overall innovation but had varying scores by region (as top management suspected) and areas for improvement. The InnovationOne team worked with executive management to create a BluePrint to improve innovation and business results. The recommendations were to
- Executive team regularly articulates a clear innovation strategy to employees and invites their participation
- Deploy projects thoroughly throughout the organization
- Promote collaboration between functions and regions.
- Improve post training technical and financial support for innovation projects.
- Implement a mentoring program