C. Brooke Dobni, Ph.D., InnovationOne, LLC, Founder, leads MBA course on Innovation Management
Innovation Management exposes students to the quickly evolving practice of innovation in organizations. Although the outcomes of innovation are well known, organizations generally have difficulty with implementing sustainable innovation platforms. The course begins by [...]
We are delighted with our workshop at LESI2024
We are delighted with our LESI2024 workshop on “Boosting Innovation by 3X – The Power of Culture Management” and for all the follow-up discussions with LESI participants. Jason Stolworthy and Jim Keating of Idaho [...]
Workshop on innovation cultures at LESI2024 in Madrid!
We are delighted to be co-leading an insightful workshop on “Boosting Innovation by 3X-The Power of Culture Management” with Jason Stolworthy and Jim Keating of Idaho National Labs and InnovationOne's Brooke Dobni, PhD., and [...]
Culture of Innovation: Path to a three-fold increase in core technology transfer metrics.
Our research with the DOE Ethos Project shows that a culture of innovation is the path to a three-fold increase in core technology transfer metrics. We are honored to present our research results twice [...]
Dr. Brooke Dobni Presenting at The Effective Executive Leadership Program
C. Brooke Dobni, Ph.D., is presenting on how to cultivate innovation by developing an innovation agenda and culture at The Effective Executive Leadership Program. This six-day, retreat-syle executive leadership development program is designed for [...]
Webinar on the Six Traits of Highly Innovative Organizations
Based on our research at InnovationOne LLC, we have discovered that these six traits are fundamental for innovative companies. Our research also shows that when companies score high on these traits, they lead their [...]
InnovationOne, LLC is delighted to have participated in this joint project with the Ethos Project team to demonstrate the high correlation between culture and R&D lab performance. The results are outstanding: a one-point difference [...]
Higher innovation culture scores dramatically improve performance
A higher innovation culture score at R&D Labs leads to dramatically higher organization performance. That is the conclusion of a joint study by InnovationOne® and the US Department of Energy (DOE). The study hypothesized that [...]
Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm’s Green Brigade
The Department of Energy launches a Clean Energy Corps The recent infrastructure legislation included some $62 billion in funding for clean energy, and Energy Secretary Ms. Granholm now plans to recruit a thousand federal [...]
The seven percent solution for successful change
As many organizations implement new hybrid work models, improve their sustainability, try to enter new markets or work to realign their cost structures, executives wrestle with implementing change successfully. It is important for them [...]
Gartner HR Research Shows Organizations Must Develop a Human-Centric Model to Drive Innovation in Hybrid Environments
Office-centric design relies on the serendipitous “water-cooler” moments to drive innovation. In fact, organizations still reference this as the primary reason to return employees to the office. The Gartner survey showed that HR leaders believe [...]
The World’s Most Innovative Companies, Reshaped by COVID19
Fast Company announced its 2021 list of the Most Innovative Companies. Amazingly only three companies from the 2020 list of the World’s 50 Most Innovative Companies made the 2021 list, reflecting the disruption rollicking [...]
AI transformation is most successful with a human-centric approach
By Victor Assad The business environment and workforce are undergoing significant transformation as organizations brace for change and the integration of artificial intelligence (AI). AI will also create new technical fields and eliminate many [...]
Today, an innovation strategy is a requirement for companies to be successful
Over a decade ago, Harvard Business School professor Gary Pisano famously wrote that companies should consider creating an innovation strategy. Today, an innovation strategy is not just an optional nice thing to have — it’s [...]
Culture remains critical for today’s innovative organizations
The pace of new tools for innovators, such as OpenAI, is exciting. However, research shows that without the right culture, digital transformation in organizations fails. Organizational Culture is key for executives to lead continual change, technology [...]
Most workers have no preference for the gender of their bosses, which is news.
By Victor Assad. For decades, employees have preferred to have men as bosses, but new research shows that as many as two-thirds of workers now have no preference for the gender of their bosses. [...]
Workers need gratitude year-round — not just at Thanksgiving
By Victor Assad We celebrate Thanksgiving in the US this week. It’s my favorite holiday of the year because of the family-and-friends gatherings, my favorite meal of the year, and the spirit of gratitude [...]
Nine ways to be a great boss
By Victor Assad. Perhaps you missed it, as I almost did, but it was bosses’ day last week. There were plenty of articles on what gift to give your boss, and some of my [...]